
Accelerate Your Productivity with ​End-Of-Line ​ Palletizing Cobots

June 25, 2024 08:00 PM

Tune in for an insightful webinar where Evan Kendrick; Business Development Manager at Universal Robots, will explore the transformative power of collaborative robots (cobots) in the manufacturing industry. This session will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of cobots and their applications, particularly in palletizing, while showcasing how they deliver sustainable advantages and sharing inspiring success stories. Learn the practical steps to get started with cobots for palletizing and elevate your business to new heights.

Key Takeaways: 

- Overview of cobots: Discover the fundamentals of collaborative robots and how they differ from traditional industrial robots. 

- Palletizing Solutions: Learn how cobots can optimize your palletizing operations, improve productivity, and free skilled workers from repetitive and strenuous tasks. 

- Delivering Sustainable Advantage: Uncover the sustainable benefits of integrating cobots into your production line. 

- Success Stories: Hear real-world success stories of companies that have implemented cobots.

- How to Get Started with Cobots: Learn the essential steps to integrate cobots into your operations. 


Evan Kendrick

Business Development Manager, Universal Robots

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